

What is a Poser?
Basically it means
Someone pretending to be something they're not.
A person who acts in an affected manner in order to impress others.

What is a fashion poser or expert?
Fashion Expert Vs Fashion Poser
What is a fashion expert or a fashion power?
Fashion Expert – A fashion expert has an extensive knowledge of the various level of fashion: manufacturing, distribution, retail, merchandising, textiles, design and pattern making. A fashion expert has a good knowledge of fashion history, both current runway and general fashion history. The creative expression of an idea or inspiration is easily understood by an expert. It takes experience, education and passion to become a fashion expert.
Fashion Poser – A fashion poser admires the expert and strives to appear as an expert. However, the fashion poser does not understand the chain of fashion from inspiration to sales. A poser is uninformed on the basics of fashion history. The poser doesn’t appreciate segments of fashion that aren’t glamorous, but still relevant, like technical design. A fashion poser relies on bloated esteem, rather than actual knowledge, to interpret fashion. A fashion poser loves beautiful clothing but does not put any effort into fashion other than giving monetary commentary on fashion.

How to Not Be a Poser
1. Don't try to look like a celebrity.
2.Avoid doing things just because everyone else is doing them. If something interests you, learn about it, and truly involve yourself in it
3.Be honest about your opinions and interests.
4.Be committed when you try something new.
5.Remember, the most important thing is to be true to yourself.
6.Wear whatever you like.
7.The keyword here is be unique.
8.Don't abide by the rules of a certain subculture like punk, scene, prep, or goth
9.Don't say or wear something just because someone else does.

Talking about poser, there is one guy I really want to talk about. He is Frankie Han.

He is the Project Manager of  Marie Claire China.

I think his style to some extent is trying to please the public with claptrap.
I have to say as a  Project Manager, he has to understand fashion. However I think he misunderstand a little bit.
Everybody has the right to have their own style. There is nothing to be said against it. However for some reason, a lot of people think that guys being girly, or being gay is fashionable.  
Just because you are gay, or you wear leopard,or wear luxury doesn't necessarily means you understand fashion.

There was a interview about him, and he said he's style is different from these two guys Andre J, and Bryan Boy, but here are some pictures of these two guys.
Bryan Boy

                                                                         Andre J
In the interview, he said that "I'm not as crazy as Andre J, because I don't understand why men would wear skirt".
In my mind, I don't think that's something an fashion expert would say. Because if he really understand and appreciate the "androgynous" style, he would have an open mind about men wear skirt. It's just may be Andre J wears skirt in a not good way.

I think in a Country like China, people are still learning  fashion.  Frankie Han suddenly appear, and become famous just because he is different. Therefore people starts to think that is fashion.  

In terms of  the "androgynous" style, needless Jean Paul Gualtier is a very good example of what a fashion expert should be like.  

At last, here is a picture of a Chinese artist. Gualtier designed the clothe for him. I think it would be a good ending.

